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Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for some answers? Well, you've come to the right place.


I want to attend the workshop but I can't make the date? Are there any other dates available?

Unfortunately we only plan one workshop at a time. However, not to worry, we will make sure to put your name at the top of the list for the next workshop, should you still wish to attend. If so, please send an email to with your name and the subject title "Next Workshop". We will then reach out to you once we have confirmed the date of our next workshop.


I signed up, but I can no longer go. What should I do?

Oh, no! We were really hoping to see you. You can use your ticket for a workshop we are running on another date or you can give your ticket to a friend, who can benefit from the session and give you his/her notes afterwards. Sharing is caring.


How will I get my tickets?

Congratulations! Once you've booked your spot, you will receive an email with a digital ticket that contains a QR code. You can print it out and bring it with you on the day or alternatively you can just show it to us on your phone.


Can I get in touch with my instructor before/after the workshop?

Of course, we're here to help you after all. Reach out to us through email and we will make sure you have all the information and support you need.


Who is this course suited for?

This course is made for students who are interested in completing a placement and have aspirations to work for a top organisation. If you find the process daunting or you feel that you are not getting enough support, then you came to the right place.


What is the style of the workshop?

The workshop is designed for around 30 people, so that we can offer you a more personal session. The workshop will also include a number of individual exercises to help you plan and prepare for the application process. The day will also include two short breaks in the morning and afternoon, along with an hour lunch break.


So, if I come to this workshop, does that guarantee me a placement?

We are not magicians. We will share our knowledge and experience, but then it’s up to you as to how you are going to apply this. If we could give you a guarantee, the course wouldn’t be £49.


I won’t be applying for a placement until next year. Would this workshop still benefit me?

Absolutely! A placement year can be a life changing opportunity. The earlier you start preparing for it the more distance you are putting between yourself and everyone else. You know what they say: “The early bird catches the worm”…


Why is the workshop so cheap?

We were tired of going to courses that cost £££ and teach you things that you can learn from YouTube. Therefore, we decided to make this course available to all students (we know you want to spend your money on drinks) and ensure that everyone has an equal chance.


Why is the workshop so expensive?

We realise any amount of money for university students is a big ask. Which is why this is an investment in your future, not an expense. We truly believe the information you will learn will set you up to have the life you desire, and if that wasn't enough, we're also cheaper than the competition.


Do you have appropriate seating for people with disabilities?

Please leave us a note when you are registering for the workshop or drop us an email and we will make sure you are fully accommodated for. 


What should I do for lunch on the day?

We will be taking an hour lunch break where you can either go out and grab some food from a number of local food places nearby. Alternatively, please feel free to bring your own lunch.


What happens if I don’t receive my ticket?

Don’t you worry, we’ve got you covered. Drop us an email and we will sort this out for you.
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